Friday, October 31, 2008


This post is about an tricky application.have you ever wished to have an remote control for your pc or laptop? in this post i will explain about using your mobile as an remote control for your pc.An application called Mobilewitch gives us this facility.using mobilewitch, can control all your desktop application from your mobile phone but before that you need to have MobileWitch installed on your phone as well as on your desktop. works on client server architecture and the server is installed in the pc and the mobile is made the client.
3. using MobileWitch you can control your pc mouse, keyboard, various application and many utilities, making life a bit easier.
4. You can control the keyboard with the keypad on your phone and if by any chance you have a phone with qwerty keyboard, there is nothing better.
5. MobileWitch allows you to control the mouse with the joystick on your phone. The functioning is not as easy as using a mouse but it can do the job it is meant to be.
6. With MobileWitch you can control many applications like Winamp, Windows Media Player, PowerPoint, Internet Explorer and Firefox

tags: how to use mobilephone as remote control for pc,computer,how to use mobilephone as keyboard.

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