Do you want to find a girls address from her mobile number or landline?does she own a bsnl mobile or landline number?then we shall easily find her address,street,door no and all from the online bsnl mobile and landline directry.
for eg. if you want to find the address of a girl from madhya pradesh or maharashtra,then visit
and select the area,for mumbai,chennai,kolkata there are individual directries.In the option "Search by" , select Telephone number. select the station to which the phone no. belongs and finally write the phone number in the "Search key field" . In this way the address of that particular number will be traced.
For selecting any other state of India, log on to . In the Right hand side you see the "BSNL units" option (above Username field), select your state from the menu and then proceed further to find the address of any person knowing their mobile number or landline number.
tags: bsnl directry hacks,how to find the house address from mobile number,how to find who gave missed call,how to find the location of an missed call or mobile number.
1 comment: -will work out only for land lines and not for mobiles...even though if its updated recently....don't give false information....
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