This post is about magic blue hack for hacking others mobile phones via bluetooth and making free calls,sms and many others hacks.Magic Blue Hack is a Bluetooth Hacking software for any J2ME Bluetooth hand set. By using this bluetooth Software on your mobile you can hack another open bluetooth device.magicblue hack uses the mobile bluetooth technology to hack other mobile phones.using magic bluehack you can make free calls,send free sms and check another persons contact and check all his inbox messages and the great advantage is that you can do this all without the concern of the mobile's owner.download magic blue hack software from below and try
DOWNLOAD: jad file DOWNLOAD: jar file
we have both magicbluehack .jar file and .jad file for download.we dont recommend this for hacking or other offensive purposes.use it only for fun purposes.
tags: magic bluehack software,bluetooth hacking software,how to check contacts of other people via bluetooth.
This files are not working. They may be only trial version but at all they are not working.
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If you forget your security code of your nokia *#7328748263373738#it reset your security code 12345.
Now you can send free national sms anytime, anywhere from ur Airtel mobile.All you have to do is to change some settings in yourcell phone and start sending free sms from ur Airtel mobile to any number nationally.Here are some simple steps to be followed before sending sms :-1. Open message settings in your cell phone.2. Goto ¡°Text message settings¡±.3. You will find Message center number in ur settings.4. Edit it and change it to one of the following numbers-
+9198100786785. Save one of the above message center numbers as your default message center number.6. Now you can start sending messages for free after following the above given steps.7. If one of the numbers do not work.Don¡¯t worry at all.Try the other message center numbers given above.They will definitely work out.So try it and see it working..!!
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