Saturday, April 04, 2009


Hi,friends2009 airtel mobile office latest trick is found out.the trick is very simple that you may use unlimited gprs by hacking airtel mobile office.

first activate airtel gprs one day pay by sending sms GPRS to 56789 for 20 rs.

and use airtel mobile office gprs for one day,just before disconnection of the gprs service you will receive a message saying mobile office will be disconnected shortly within one hour,at that time you type GPRS7 and sms to 56789 and success,you will get 7 days gprs activated for free,no charges will be deducted,keep your balance below 75 rs.

the system may sent you reply as no sufficient balance,but try again and again it will be surely activated.also dont forget to sent the same sms GPRS7 before one hour of the last day and you could enjoy uninterrupted free unlimited gprs by hacking airtel mobile office seven days pack.

it works in tamilnadu,maharashtra,karnataka,andhra pradesh and many other states,post a comment of you have any problem

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