Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Now you can send free pictures from your computer

What is MMS? MMS is Multimedia Messaging Service. Most people just call MMS picture and video messaging.

MMS (picture messaging) is a very new thing. The first time we saw free
MMS was 200. The first free picture messaging site we saw was PixDrop.

are a few ways to send MMS messages for free but most people are not
tech-saavy enough to know about all the ways possible. So what PixDrop
has done is simplified free picture messaging for the masses.

can send a lot of different types of images from your computer to your
cell phone for free with free MMS services. A lot of things depend on
your mobile handset and what it's capable of doing.

When the iPhone launches, were not sure what this is going to do for the MMS industry.

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