Saturday, January 31, 2009


This gprs trick is about wiretaping in sony ericcson mobile is illegel as all we know but still i post it here to make you aware of the flaws in gprs networks.i explained about how to perform wiretaping trick in sony ericcson mobiles.

Wireless Application Protocol, WAP sony ericcson mobile phones has a security problem in it that allows attackers to listen or copy others browsing details or passwords they are using on the wap networks traveling on the cellular carrier wave.

how to wiretap from sony ericcson mobile:
  • Type 904059
  • Menu
  • Yes
  • 1
  • RCL
  • Yes
  • 8300**
  • Yes
  • 86
you can replace ** with any other number except 00.this is how to perform wiretaping to steal other wap browsing data from other mobiles.

to stop wiretaping:
To stop the wiretapping in your sony ericcson mobile follow these steps
  • Type RCL
  • 3
  • Yes
tags: gprs tricks,access others mobile through gprs connection,sony ericcson tricks

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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